Mom Truths: First Baby vs. Second Baby

So a lot of you guys have asked about what are the differences between my first pregnancy versus my second. So I just wanted to take this time to just share with you guys what is on my mind.

Oh my goodness I feel like this is like I have to be really vulnerable. But it's O.K. Physical differences my first pregnancy I was so nauseous. I'm talking about throughout my entire pregnancy. I was just sick.

You know those seasick bands that you wear when you're on a boat? I would have to wear those every single day and I would get them in different colors, so that they would match my wardrobe.

I was constantly eating crackers and bread. Now that I'm expecting my second child I was very nauseous in the beginning. But literally after the first trimester I wasn't nauseous anymore! I was like, "Oh my gosh, this is amazing!"

Another thing that's different I would have to say, the size of the belly. With my first pregnancy I had my son, Cree. I was having a boy and they usually say that you carry a lot lower and that's exactly what happened with me. I was carrying low and now that I'm having a girl, she's like, she's like up high.

My girl is like, "Hello world here I am!" I'm like, "Oh, wow, O.K." Let's just say I was in maternity gear a lot sooner this time around. O.K. emotionally now that I'm having a girl I find that I cry at everything. I don't know if it's because I have more estrogen in my body or what. 

So I was at the movies with my brother, Taj. And we saw a horror movie together. Like this is like a scary movie right. I'm in the theater crying. Who cries watching a horror flick? My brother was like, "What is wrong with you?" I was like, "Oh my god I'm so sorry." The first time around I wasn't as emotional. So this is definitely new for this pregnancy. 

Usually people are like, "Oh you know during your second "pregnancy you don't worry as much." Not me I'm like completely the opposite. I feel like in my case it's like ignorance is bliss. With my first pregnancy I didn't know that much. I was just literally going with the flow.

This time around I'm like, "O.K. Tia you can't sleep on your "right side you have to sleep on your left side. "You can't sleep on your back. "No goat cheese." I just feel like I'm just more anxious because I know more. And I will say I'm a little impatient. I'm like, "Hurry up, I'm ready for this baby to come out."

Where as with the first time around I do feel like I was a little more relaxed in regards to you know not being as anxious about the baby. This time around, oh gosh. Career wise, with my first I feel like I was definitely not as in control of my career. I was working on a television show called, The Game.

I was also doing a reality show called, you know, Tia & Tamara, with my sister. This time around I feel like I have more control of my schedule. I mean I'm doing things that I'm more in control of. Like Tia Mowry's Quick Fix!

I will say too, that I'm having more fun this time around with work while being pregnant. Not that I was doing things that I, you know, didn't wanna do but I really feel like I'm focused on doing things that really make me happy.

Food cravings so with my son I loved junk food. Cupcakes, pizza, ice cream, vending machine snacks I was like always at a vending machine. Where as this time around I
feel like I love fruits more. Like I'm really into tropical fruits like, bananas, mangos, pineapple. I do not crave sweets which is really weird because I'm having a girl.

Some people are like, "Oh well, if you're having a girl, "you know you'll crave cakes and just sweets "and candy and all that." I'm craving spicy stuff. Like I want everything spicy. It has to be hot. Hot sauce like I put hot sauce on anything. I don't know if you guys know what kimchi is. 

Kimchi is like this fermented cabbage that's like so incredibly spicy. I'm like in love with that stuff. Pickles, I'm like craving salty things as well. I'm craving pickles but not only that. I'll drink the juice. Oh my god, Tia that is so gross that is so disgusting.

Money, money money money money. With my first pregnancy I like bought everything. From when my son was suppose to be a newborn to almost until he was like one. I'm talking about I had the highchairs. The bouncers I had like everything.

With my second pregnancy I really learned my lesson. You don't necessarily have to buy everything. My nursery is only gonna have essentials. So a baby crib, a changing table, and a rocker. That's it I don't need to like, you know, go overload with spending lots of money. Naming, here's what I learned about naming your baby.

Don't tell anyone! With my first pregnancy my husband and I we came up with a name and we told some people. And you know people have a lot of opinions, you know. And sometimes you don't wanna hear it. Especially when it's like a name you've named your child. This time around I'm keeping my mouth closed. I am not telling anyone until the baby has arrived.

I love you guys so much I really do and I feel like, you know, we've kind of created this community. I'm so happy to share with you guys that at Tia Mowry's Quick Fix I will be sharing with you first my baby's name and you guys will be able to be the first ones to meet my baby girl.

Alright, guys so those are my differences. Make sure you leave a comment and share with me your differences between your pregnancies and make sure you subscribe. I'll see you next week, bye!

What were the differences between your first and second pregnancies? Share your stories in the comments!