Pregnancy Fit Tips: Lying Down

Pregnancy can be miraculous but overwhelming. Studies have show that women who exercise and eat healthy during their pregnancies had less pregnancy symptoms and complications, a shorter delivery, fewer cesarean sections, faster recovery time, and an easier time getting back into pre-pregnancy clothes.

Exercise during pregnancy has tremendous benefits for the mum-to-be, most of whom have shorter times in labor, easier births, and faster returns to pre-pregnancy figures as a result.

Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to stop exercising, and it doesn't have to mean being tired all the time. By planning a regular exercise routine and by eating a wide variety of wholesome foods, you can maintain your fitness and health during this time of extra demands on your body.

They will strengthen your muscles so that you can carry the extra weight of pregnancy. They'll also make your joints stronger, improve circulation, ease backache, and generally help you feel well.

You may need to slow down as your pregnancy progresses or if your maternity team advises you to. If in doubt, consult your maternity team. As a general rule, you should be able to hold a conversation as you exercise when pregnant. If you become breathless as you talk, then you're probably exercising too strenuously.

About video: A brief video guide to exercise and stretches for pregnant women.