Preparing for Pregnancy

А healthy weight and nutritious eating habits help to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Women and men who are highly underweight or overweight have reduced fertility. Such women experience a higher rate of miscarriages. Woman who are under nourished at time conception are more likely to have babies with low birth weight, or lose their pregnancies. 

Imbalances in nutrition can have an adverse effect on the early development baby. And this could start even before a mother is aware of her pregnancy. So it is important to plan ahead and seek good counseling on diet and nutrition before planning a pregnancy.. preferably 3-4 months before the intended time conception. 

Preconception nutrition care is important for:

- Those who have had 3 or more pregnancies in the past 2 years.

- Those who follow restricted diets.

- Those who are underweight or overweight.

- Women with established diabetes or other chronic diseases.

- Woman with a history of poor pregnancy outcome(s)

Folic acid is a type of Vitamin B, which is critical in the development of the cells of the baby, and especially neural tube defects. It is important to start on folic acid as soon as you're trying to have a baby, and not only when you're pregnant. And stop doing so only when your doctor advises you to do so. This greatly wreduces the risk of neural tube defects in your baby.

Smoking and consumption of tobacco is very harmful for the health of the mother and the baby in the womb. Women who smoke have difficulty conceiving, and are more prone to spontaneous abortion. Their babies have a lower chance of survival and those who do make it are likely to be sickly and prone to respiratory diseases in their early years.

Women who smoke are two times more likely to suffer a miscarriage than women who do not smoke. It is therefore important to stop smoking once you are trying for a baby. This miscarriage is partly to the higher nunber of abnormal enbryos that may result from the effects of smoking. 

Smoking also raises the chances a preterm labor and prematurity of the baby. There is seen to be an increased risk be an increased risk of abruptio placenta which is a serious condition where the placenta separates itself prematurely from the uterus before birth. This can cause abdominal pain and bleeding from the vagina. 

Such an event can lead to danger and even death for both mother and child. Passive smoking can also affect the growth the baby, in the mother's womb. It is therefore advisable that husbands and family members avoid smoking in the presence of the pregnant mother, or to better still, quit smoking altogether.

How does smoking affect mother and newborn?

- Mother faces 2 times higher risk of spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy.

- A higher proportion of abnormal embryos is seen among women who smoke.

- Higher changes of preterm labour and prematurity of baby.

- Higher risk of birth defects.

- Increased risk of abruptio placentae.

- Possible risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Similarly excessive alcohol intake and binge drinking can lead to congenital malformations and mental impairment of the baby. The consumption of street drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin during pregnancy me lead to even more severe consequences. If you're preparing for pregnancy, it is advisable to consult an obstetrician as early as possible.

Women with these conditions can surely have successful pregnancies. However, if these conditions are well-controlled before conception, a woman is more likely to have a smooth pregnancy and healthy baby.

The doctor will discuss your immunisation history, as well as your family history to understand the risks any genetic problems. Some essential screening to be carried out before conception include a Pap Smear, screening for HIV, Thalassaemia, Rubella, Hepatitis B. A general gynaecological examination can help to ensure the health and preparedness of the womb to accept a pregnancy. In some cases, a pelvic ultrasound is carried out to check for ovarian cysts, or fibroids in the uterus, as these may affect conception even the development of the baby in the womb.

Screening for Thalassaemia is also important part of preconceptions screening. Thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder. Thalassaemia is passed on from parent to child and can affect both males and females.

If any one parent has Thalassaemia Minor, the child may have a 50% chance of having Thalassaemia Minor, and a 50% chance being normal. However,  if both parents have Thalassaemia Minor, the child has a 25% chance of having Thalassaemia Major - a severe form of anaemia which may lead to poor growth, development and even shorter lifespan.

Their are a few vaccine-preventable infections, such as chicken pox, German Measles otherwise known as Rubella, and Hepatitis B, that can result in severe physical deformities in the baby, should new contract these infections during pregnancy.

If you have not had any of these infections, or if you have not developed any natural immunity against these infections, then it is advisable that you get yourself have vaccinated against them at least 3 months that the mission before you plan to conceive.

It is safe to administer a flu vaccine to a pregnant woman to prevent the complications associated with flu during pregnancy. Developing flu during pregnancy may lead to complications in some women, including high fever and lung infections. These may increase the risk of preterm labor and miscarriage. It may be beneficial to take a flu vaccine to prevent these complications.

Every expectant mother looks forward to a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby. The preparation towards this must start early. Healthy lifestyle practices, adequate care, caution, and following your doctor's advice before and during your pregnancy can make this dream come true.