Simple Tips for Zika Virus Infection Prevention

Now that Zika is close to home, there are a few things you should know about the virus if you're pregnant. It can be spread through the bite of an infected mosquito or through sexual transmission.

Zika can also be passed from mother to baby... which can lead to severe birth defects like microcephaly. So preventing infection is a must.

Avoid travel to areas where Zika is active. Take steps to prevent sexual transmission. Especially if you or your partner live near or have traveled to a Zika hot spot.

Simple tips for Zika prevention: 

Tip 1: If you're outside, use insect repellent. 

Tip 2: Wear long sleeves and pants.

Tip 3: Take steps to keep mosquitoes off your property too. Close windows and doors.

Tip 4: Remove standing water in and around your home.

Tip 5: Cover trash cans and containers where water can collect.

Tip 6: Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

And remember: Don't give Zika a biting chance.