At What Point in My Pregnancy, Should I Go to the Hospital?

During any time of your pregnancy, you should go to your health care provider, if you experience symptoms such as bad cramps or stomach pains that just won't go away or symptoms such as fever chills dizziness blurred vision or spots before your eyes, and a sudden or severe swelling of your feet, hands or face during the later stages of your pregnancy. 

You should go to the hospital when you start having contractions or a change in the strength of number of contractions or if you have an onset of lower back pain or pressure, if you have a feeling that the baby is pushing down, if there is any bleeding or gush of fluid from your vagina, if there is a sudden change in the baby movements or if you feel that something just isn't right, you should seek medical attention right away no matter what time or day.

Answered: Amy Newman, Registered Nurse Practitioner

What Should I Bring with Me to the Hospital When Going Into Labor?

At What Point in My Pregnancy, Should I Go to the Hospital?

Did you know?

At the start of pregnancy, your uterus is the size of a small Conference pear. By the end of the nine months it's more like an oversized watermelon, holding a baby and at least a pint of water, so it's not surprising you feel twinges as it grows, especially as it will be touching the bottom of your ribs. At 16-20 weeks you may feel slight pain caused by some ligaments beginning to stretch.