Why Use Comfort Techniques for Labour

For women planning a natural childbirth, the ability to use a variety of comfort measures during labor is a must. Comfort measures are probably not going to eliminate all the pain you feel during labor. 

What they can do is help you manage the pain to keep it at a level where you can continue without medication. To use them effectively, you need to know what they are and how to best apply them to labor.

A comfort technique is something you or a labor support person does to improve your comfort in labor. It could inlcude a type of massage or touch, a type of relaxation skill or even a visualization script. 

Comfort techniques may work to keep you relaxed during labor, or can be used to achieve time specific goals, such as encouraging a baby to more or relieving a back ache.

A short video that describes the fear-tension-pain cycle and the importance of using comfort measures such as breathing techniques, distraction, and positioning during labour.