9 Ways to Increase Breast Milk Production

1. Eat stress relieving foods: Feeling stressed can lower milk supply. Dark green leafy veg, such as spinach, and raw nuts are best to calm your nerwes.

2. Add flavour: Research suggests certain tastes, like garlic, can make your baby feed longer.

3. Drink more: Your breastmilk is between 80 and 90% water, so it's no surprise drinking more will help maintain your supply.

4. Up you're calcium intake: If you're on your period, you may experience a drop in milk supply. Increassing your calcium intake before and during your period can help.

5. Choose sleep inducing foods: Did you know, bananas and oats help you sleep better? Something you need to keep your milk flowing 24 hours a day during the night feeds.

6. Eat mini meals: Your body uses lots of energy breastfeeding. Eat little and often to maximise the milk supply.

7. Get five a day: Your baby needs all the vitamins he can get to help his development. Now is the time to get your 5 a day!

8. Go for good fats: Research shows a diet high in essential fatty acids when breastfeeding helps your baby's brain.

9. Power up on probiotics: Probiotics and preboitcs are KEY when brastfeeding. Natural yoghurt, oats, asparagus and bananas are all good.