Baby Winding Techniques for Avoiding Colic

Lara Basini demonstrates a selection of useful baby winding techniques in this video. These methods will also help release baby's wind following the administration of anti-colic medication (Infacol). If you are having difficulties winding your baby, these tips may help.

There’s lot of things you can do to help avoid the possibility of colic in your baby. It’s important to regularly wind them during and after a feed to keep chances of colic to a minimum. One technique is to sit your baby forward (with their chin gently resting in the crook of your hand) and then use your spare hand to gently rub their back in a circular motion or gently pat them. 

If easier, you can also do this with your baby over your shoulder or stood up which is particularly helpful if your baby also likes to be rocked gently. Another position to try is laying your baby across your lap with their head to one side. Again try to gently rub or pat their back to soothe them. All these techniques should hopefully help get the gas in your baby’s tummy moving quickly around and out of the body to ease any discomfort.

What is colic in babies?

Colic is long, inconsolable bouts of crying (often for over hours at a time) that happen for no specific reason (such as needing feeding or changing) and occur several times per week. Colic usually begins when the baby is a few weeks old and lasts until they are around 3-4 months old.