How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy?

Staying fit and healthy during pregnancy is a concern for so many women. There are so many benefits of exercising during pregnancy both for the mom and baby. Pregnant or not, physical fitness helps keep the heart, bones, and mind healthy. 

Exercising in the right way can help you to stay within the healthy weight-gain range, help you sleep better, have more energy, help with your recovery. Always consult your doctor before doing any exercise program.

Special benefits of physical activity during pregnancy:

- Exercise can ease and prevent aches and pains of pregnancy including constipation, varicose veins, backaches, and exhaustion.

- Active women seem to be better prepared for labor and delivery and recover more quickly.

- Exercise may lower the risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

- Fit women have an easier time getting back to a healthy weight after delivery.

- Regular exercise may improve sleep during pregnancy.

- Staying active can protect your emotional health. Pregnant women who exercise seem to have better self-esteem and a lower risk of depression and anxiety.

- Results from a recent, large study suggest that women who are physically active during pregnancy may lower their chances of preterm delivery.