Labor Positions: All-Fours Position for Giving Birth

Variations of positions on all fours Kneeling and knee and elbow positions. Some mothers may choose the all-fours position instinctively. It can help the baby turn around in the case of a malpresentation of the head. Since this position uses gravity, it decreases back pain, as the mother is able to tilt her hips.


- Helps to relieve the pain of back labour.

- Because it is gravity neutral it may help a posterior baby to turn.

- Fewer tears because there is less pressure on the perineum.

- This position is great for big babies!

- Can help if umbilical cord prolapsed is a problem as it can prevent the umbilical cord from coming out further or can even help it retract. (Cord prolapse is when the umbilical cord comes out before the baby, possibly cutting of the baby’s oxygen supply.)