Preparing for Labour: Partner Massage

Giving birth is a highly transformative event for both the mother personally and for herself and her partner as a couple. When a couple is really attuned to each other and the partner supports the mother throughout her hard work, it can bring the two new parents together in a very unique way.

Although the birthing mother will be doing most of the hard work, and the midwives will be helping her out, there are many things that partners can do to support the mother throughout her labour.

While being a calm presence is often the most important thing you need to do, providing physical support can also be of help to the birthing mother. This can include massage and other forms of help:

Gently but firmly rubbing the mother’s tailbone can provide huge relief during labour. Massaging her back using strong, rhythmic movements also helps. Beginning between her shoulder blades, stroke her back down to her tailbone, down along on either side of her spine. You can also massage a ‘figure eight’ between her shoulder blades.