Should You Have an Amniocentesis?

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, it is important to begin prenatal care and tests, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Amniocentesis detects if your baby has a chromosome disorder. 
The older the mother is, the more likely that there could be a chromosome problem. An Amniocentesis can be the second step after an ultrasound appears to be suspicious. 
Amniocentesis is a prenatal test in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is removed from the sac surrounding the fetus for testing. The sample of amniotic fluid (less than one ounce) is removed through a fine needle inserted into the uterus through the abdomen, under ultrasound guidance. 
The fluid is then sent to a laboratory for analysis. Different tests can be performed on a sample of amniotic fluid, depending on the genetic risk and indication for the test.