Signs of Labor: 4 Types of Contraction You Are Likely to Encounter

Contractions are signs of labor approaching. They can be viewed as a warning sign. Here are the four types of contraction you are likely to encounter:

1. Early Contractions: In first trimester, your body adjusts to the pregnancy. The stretching of the ligaments around the uterus can cause these contractions.

2. Preterm Contractions: Also known as Braxton Hicks contractions are those that occur after week 34. They are random, irregular and may occur anytime during your pregnancy. 

3. False Contractions: These occur prior to your actual contractions, helping the cervix to prepare for delivery. They are intermittent and stop when your body position changes.

4. Actual Contractions: These contractions come in regular intervals, spaced closely and are painful. That means you are in active labor. It is followed by reddish discharge and rupture of the membrane.

Staying calm and practicing some breathing techniques will also help you during the contractions.