25 Moms Are Sharing Realistic Pictures Of Baby Bumps And Pregnant Bodies To Fight Toxic Standards

25 Moms Are Sharing Realistic Pictures Photo credits: simplewisheshandsfree

Let's begin with the fact that pregnancy is a highly challenging process that is often overlooked and underappreciated. Mothers spend 37 to 42 weeks growing a baby, most of the time feeling pretty under the weather. The potential complications both during pregnancy and delivery, the incredibly draining symptoms like constant sickness and raging hormones, but most importantly, no sleeping on your stomach – all these things, plus many more, are the daily "burdens" of a pregnant woman.

Moreover, the postpartum period is equally exhausting. Things like postnatal depression and anxiety often crawl up to mothers unexpectedly, making it hard for them to enjoy the long-awaited bliss of motherhood. Physical changes like hair loss caused by plummeting estrogen levels is also a very frequent side effect, as well as pelvic organ prolapse, back pain and an unexpected, but at the same time fairly self-explanatory change – altered bone structure.