25 Raw Birth Photos That’ll Have You Reaching for the Tissues

25 Raw Birth Photos That’ll Have You Reaching for the Tissues

Every birth is real and raw and vulnerable- But some feel more vulnerable than others sometimes. And some like this one feel more “real”.

It’s hard for the mother who is being hit with contraction after contraction, fighting to catch her breath; it’s hard for the mom who is barely hanging on as she waits for her epidural; it’s hard for the mother quietly composing herself under the bright lights of the OR, waiting for her C-section to start; and it’s hard for the mama working to keep calm as she brings her preterm baby into the world sooner than she’d planned.

Did you know?
Hormones play a huge role in pregnancy and birth. In labor, our body releases many hormones that all work together (oxytocin, beta-endorphins, epinephrine/ norepinephrine, and lastly prolactin) Did you know endorphins are naturally occurring opioids? 

Beta endorphins are released in a response to stress and pain and suppress the immune system, while offering pain relief. They also have a calming effect. As midwives we typically see this in active, unmedicated labors (6ish centimeters). How amazing are our bodies?