5 Effective Exercises to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy

New moms in particular tend to be concerned about it, due to their increased stomach fat during pregnancy. We tend to store lots of excess weight on our tummy for a number of reasons. During pregnancy, we gain weight around our tummy too, and it is particularly difficult to shift, especially post pregnancy.

This video talks about:

• What is Diastasis Recti

• How to check if you have split abdominals

• What can you do about it

• Why doing crunches and plank will NOT be effective and can only make it worse.

• Simple 15 minutes effective exercises you can start doing at home.

Every pregnancy and delivery are different, so check with your doctor before engaging in any workout program after giving birth. If you experience any heavy bleeding, excessive soreness, headaches, or other unusual symptoms during or right after exercising, stop immediately and call your doctor for advice.