Amazing Facts About Your Placenta

The placenta truly is an amazing organ. When you first conceive, the swiftly multiplying cells become your baby and its placenta. The placenta is the lifeline to your unborn baby. It provides the nutrition, oxygen and fluids your baby needs.

Your blood flows to the placenta, where nutrients and oxygen are exchanged. However, your blood and the baby’s blood are not mixed, because you both have your own circulatory systems. Amazingly, the umbilical cord carries the nutrients from the placenta directly into the baby’s blood stream.

6 amazing facts about the placenta:

1 - While there are several vestigial organs, the placenta is the only one that is actually disposable.

2 - Exercise during the first trimester can increase the size of your placenta-improving nutrition supply.

3 - Your placenta weighs between 200-800grms

4 - Every minute, about 20 percent of the mother's blood flows through this organ.

5 - Your placenta provides 100 percent of baby's oxygen needs

6 - We often think of the placenta as amother's organ, but it's actually created from both parents.

Did you know?

The custom of consuming the placenta, often done as placental encapsulation, is centuries old, practiced most often in Chinese medicine. It is a controversial tradition that has been gaining traction in the United States for several decades.

Placental encapsulation is the practice of ingesting the placenta after it has been steamed, dehydrated, ground, and placed into pills. Traditionally, this is taken by the mother and is believed to impart numerous health benefits.  

VideoBenefits of Placenta Encapsulation for Mothers

VideoWhy Some New Mothers Choose to Eat Their Placentas?