How to Establish Good Baby Sleep Habits? (Birth to 3 Months)

Newborn babies sleep a lot: 16 to 17 hours a day! Newborns sleep for 2 to 4 hours, every 2 hours, day and night. By 8 weeks, your baby will sleep less during the day and more at night. Most babies sleep through the night by 4 to 6 months. Tips to help your newborn sleep:

Tip #1: Take a nap

Give your baby a chance to nap every 2 hours. Your baby may have trouble falling asleep if you wait longer.

Tip #2: Day and Night

At 2 weeks, you can begin to teach your baby to distinguish day from night.

During the day: Interact with baby as much as you can. Keep your home and baby’s room light and bright. Don't worry about regular daytime noises – let ’em rip.

At night: Dim the lights. Keep noise level low. Keep energy calm. Don't play with baby during night wakings.

Tip #3: Read the signs

Rubbing eyes, pulling ears, fussy – these are signs your baby is tired. Time for a nap!

Tip #4: Swaddle

Swaddling calms newborns because it feels like being in the womb

Tip #5: Play soothing sounds

White noise mimics calms newborns. Try a white noise machine or an app on your phone.

Sleep can be tough the first 3 months. Luckily, at 6 to 8 weeks many babies begin to fall asleep on their own.

5 tips to help your baby sleep:

• Take naps

• Distinguish between day and night

• Look for signs of sleepiness

• Swaddle

• Play soothing sounds