Changes and Adaptation During Pregnancy (1st Trimester)

A full term pregnancy goes through three trimesters:

- The first occurs between weeks 1 and 13.

- The second between weeks 14 and 26.

- The final lap from week 27 till birth.

During this period, hormonal changes affect almost all the organs.

Changes to be observed during the first trimester:

1 - Morning sickness which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

2 - Dietary changes like craving for ice blocks, coal, chalk etc. is reasonably common.

3 - The skin becomes dry and flaky, and spots may appear on the face or body.

4 - Mood swings are very common and can even affect the libido of the expectant mother.

5 - The breast and nipples become enlarged, sensitive and very painful.

Measures that a mother should take to ease the process:

1 - Eating in bits or eating dry foods like biscuits does the trick for regulating the nausea.

2 - Using body oil or shea butter can moisten the skin.

3 - It is recommended that women wear loose braziers to avoid excessive perspiration.

4 - High fibre diet, fruits, vegetables and lots of fluids are highly recommended.

5 - Partners should be considerate during this time as the woman is going through some traumatic changes.