How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy?

Stella DantasMD OB/GYN: When you're thinking about getting pregnant, you want to be in the healthiest state possible. So it's important to go and visit your physician, or your midwife, to plan on how to have a healthy pregnancy.

Rachel WalkerMD OB/GYN: We can help you optimize any health conditions that you may have and we can talk about getting your body healthy before starting a pregnancy.

Angela ChiodoCNM Certified Nurse-Midwife: And then even just mentally and emotionally preparing to make room for a child in your life.

Fonda MitchellMD OB/GYN: During that visit we can have multiple conversations and making sure that you are as healthy as possible prior to conception.

EbonyNine Weeks Pregnant: My doctor told me, in order to prepare for getting pregnant, to start implementing some more regular exercises in my routine.

Fonda MitchellMD OB/GYN: So physical activity is very important. The healthier you are prior to conception, the better it is for the outcome of the pregnancy. It's very key that you maintain a well-balanced diet.

EbonyNine Weeks Pregnant: I made quite a few changes with my diet. I started making sure I brought more fruits and vegetables with me to work so that I was eating better during the day.

Fonda MitchellMD OB/GYN: So lean meats, healthy fruits and vegetables, and nutritional development as well too with prenatal vitamins and ensuring that those are on board at least three months prior to conception.

Stella DantasMD OB/GYN: But don't worry if you haven't done this and you find yourself pregnant and it wasn't a planned pregnancy. It's okay.

Angela ChiodoCNM Certified Nurse-Midwife: We're happy to work with you and we'll get you started on the right path.