The 15 Earliest (and Weirdest) Pregnancy Symptoms

Some unusual signs that you are pregnant may surprise you. Learn the most common and the least expectant indications of a possible pregnancy and consult your doctor for more information.

Your body changes during pregnancy. In addition to the more common signs of pregnancy — fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, breast enlargement, mood swings, and a metallic taste in the mouth — some women experience unexpected symptoms.

Many unusual symptoms can be attributed to increased levels of pregnancy hormones in your body, such as estrogen and progesterone, and are actually normal. Symptoms are abnormal only when they significantly impair your ability to function, in which case a visit to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment may be required.

However unusual they seem, the following symptoms may be a completely normal part of your pregnancy. You may have had some or all of these symptoms at some point in your life, and you may notice an increase in their frequency during pregnancy.

15 of the early pregnancy symptoms:

Pregnancy Symptom #1. Changes in your breasts
Pregnancy Symptom #2. Frequent urination
Pregnancy Symptom #3. Nausea
Pregnancy Symptom #4. Fatigue and exhaustion
Pregnancy Symptom #5. A cold
Pregnancy Symptom #6. Puffy and sore gums
Pregnancy Symptom #7. Cervical mucus
Pregnancy Symptom #8. Cramping and bloating
Pregnancy Symptom #9. Spotting
Pregnancy Symptom #10. Food sensitivity and aversion
Pregnancy Symptom #11. Metallic taste
Pregnancy Symptom #12. Temperature sensitivity
Pregnancy Symptom #13. Excess saliva
Pregnancy Symptom #14. Constipation
Pregnancy Symptom #15. Moodiness