What is Happening at 13 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 13th week of pregnancy?  It’s week 13 of your pregnancy (the last of your first trimester) and baby is the size of a peach. You can expect to see your early pregnancy symptoms fading as your placenta is taking over on hormone production.

Your baby's ovaries or testes are fully developed inside their body, and the genitals are forming outside their body. Where there was a swelling between the legs, there will now be a penis or clitoris growing, although you won't usually be able to find out the sex of your baby at an ultrasound scan at this stage.

Your baby in the 13th week of pregnancy:

- Your sweet baby is now comparable to the size of a peach but less than a finger

- The head is only one-fourth the size of the body

- The baby has start rooting in the mother's womb and has tiny fingertips

- She/he can probably put the tiny thumb in the mouth

- Bones become prominent 

- The placenta which weighs just an ounce is expanding that nourishes your baby

- The soft hair on your baby's body are making its appearance

- The genitals are taking on their gender characteristics

- The muscles of the chest wall are starting to develop

- The amniotic fluid that the baby swallows passes out of the body as urine

- Your baby now has vocal cords 

- The lips and nose are completely formed

- The pancreas as well as the gall bladder of the baby is fully developed

- The baby girl has over 2 million eggs in the ovaries, when she is born, it drops to a million only, and by the time she reaches puberty, eggs will only be around 200, 000

Your body in the 13th week of pregnancy:

- You should be feeling a lot better generally now as your placenta takes over the production of pregnancy hormones, which should ease any nausea. 

- For mothers, during the 13th week Symptoms may not disappear completely but at least, they are not as notorious as the first trimester's

- Morning sickness may be entirely gone, and this will be replaced by food cravings

- And because the uterus continuously expands, moms-to-be continues to feel the troubles of heartburn and indigestion