What is Happening at 14 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 14th week of pregnancy? 14 weeks pregnant, your baby is able to suck her thumb. Watch this interactive video to learn your baby's development and your body changes. 

Around now, the baby begins to swallow little bits of amniotic fluid, which pass into the stomach. The kidneys start to work and the swallowed fluid passes back into the amniotic fluid as urine.

Your baby in the 14th week of pregnancy:

- At 14 weeks, your baby is as size of a big lemon

- The biggest fetal development during 14th week is the ability of the fetus to exhibit facial expressions

- Baby's height is 3.5 inches and weighs 1.5 ounces

- Your baby's posture is improving, his neck is becoming more distinct and head more upright

- Baby's arms and legs are growing to the length that is proportional to the rest of the body

- As your baby's brain cells are growing and working he/she can use his/her facial muscles in making expressions

- The baby can frown, squint and react to external stimulus

- If you peek inside the womb you might see the baby sucking his thumb

- At this period, a downy, ultra-fine hair called lanugo begins to develop that covers the fetus to keep him cozy and warm

- Once your baby accumulates some insulating fat most of the lanugo will shed

- Your baby's brain develops into two distinct halves the left and right hemisphere

- Furthermore, the liver is starting to excrete bile while the spleen commences in the production of red blood cells

- Overall, the baby is flexible and active at 14th week, but mothers may not feel yet his punches and kicks

Your body in the 14th week of pregnancy:

You might also be experiencing some of the more bizarre side effects of pregnancy such as nose bleeds and snoring. Nasal congestion in pregnancy is down to an increase in blood pumping around your body and nothing to worry about unless it is causing you discomfort, or you are getting prolific nose bleeds, in which case, mention it to your midwife. 

You've reached the second trimester! You can rest easier knowing that your risk of miscarriage drops substantially at the end of this week -- 75 percent of miscarriages occur in the first trimester. 

As your waistline continues to expand, you will continue to gain weight. Be careful, as at this point your appetite will increase and you’ll feel the need to “eat for two.” Your spots and freckles will continue to darken and your breasts will continue to be sensitive, possibly growing in size as you prepare for lactation.