What is Happening at 16 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 16th week of pregnancy? The muscles of the baby's face can now move and the beginnings of facial expressions appear. Your baby can't control these yet.

The nervous system continues to develop, allowing the muscles in your baby's limbs to flex. Around this time, your baby's hands can reach each other – they can form a fist, and hold each other when they touch.

Your baby in the 16th week of pregnancy:

- Isn't it amazing to see your baby going so rapidly in 16th week

- Over the weeks, your baby is nearly the size of an average avocado and could fit in the palm of the hand

- The newest development to the baby at 16 weeks is the patterning of scalp

- Height of the baby now is 4.5 inches and weighs 3.5 ounces

- The baby's body still look thin and fragile with only a translucent layer of skin covering those blood vessels and bones

- Your sweet baby's back muscles are getting stronger allowing her to straighten her head and neck even more

- Eyes remain shut, yet continuously moving closer to the front of the face and framed by a fringe of eyelashes and tiny eyebrows

- The ears too are developing and taking its place

- Your baby at 16 weeks continue to display facial expressions

- Amniotic fluid is produced in increasing amount

- Your baby's heart is pumping around 25 quarts of blood per day through her growing body

- Additionally your baby is forming taste buds and has growing hair

- The baby can now also hear external voice and familiar sounds, thus it is a good time to read stories for him/her

Your body in the 15th week of pregnancy:

You will have an antenatal appointment this week, and as well as doing all your routine blood pressure, urine and blood tests, your midwife will probably have some info for you about your next ultrasound scan, the anomaly scan. 

Some mums-to-be find their libido increases at this stage of their pregnancy (some don't!) and so you might find your sex drive is on the up! There is absolutely no need to worry about your baby (unless your doctors have advised you otherwise) when you and your partner are making love, but do have a look at our sex in pregnancy page for some ideas to make things a bit more comfy when you are being intimate and negotiating the bump!