What is Happening at 33 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 33th week of pregnancy? Your baby is about 17 inches long and weighs about three or four pounds. She's gaining weight at a steady pace and the calcium in your diet is helping her bones harden.

Your baby in the 33th week of pregnancy:

- The height of your baby is 17.2 inches and he weighs 4.23 pounds

- Your baby is now starting to look more human and less alien

Your baby's bones are starting to harden to prepare for life outside of the weightless womb

- The bones in your baby's skull are formed, but aren't fused

- The baby is beginning to move much more at the 33rd week of pregnancy, and most babies will start to shift, so their head is down toward the birth canal

- Your baby is sensitive to light that penetrates through your now thinner abdominal walls

- The amniotic fluid surrounding your baby is one degree warmer than your body temperature

- Your baby's taking up more room in the uterus

- Your baby's body is developing its independent immune system due to the antibodies you're passing along through the placenta

Your body in the 33th week of pregnancy:

Your skin at 33 weeks pregnant is stretching dramatically, which can cause some serious itching. However, if your itchy skin is on your hands, your belly and the soles of your feet, you could have obstetric cholestasis. Contact your healthcare provider if this is the case. 

Sometimes the amniotic sac breaks or leaks before labor begins. It is common to be uncertain about whether leaking fluid is amniotic fluid or urine. Amniotic fluid is clear and odorless.

Vaginal discharge is normal when you're pregnant at 33 weeks, but if you notice an odd smell or it becomes thick and yellow, talk to your healthcare provider.