What is Happening at 5 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 5th week of pregnancy? In 5th week of pregnancy, you are a little late for your last period. The pregnancy test you make after your period is late, has high reliability. Make an appointment with your doctor, right after you learn that you are pregnant. 

In the 5th week of pregnancy your baby:

Looks like a small tadpole (1,5 mm long) and is as big as an orange seed. The layer which will become your baby's hearth is developed by this week. The central nervous system: brain and spinal cord, muscle and bone structures will get on its shape. If you haven't started yet, you should start taking folic acid as soon as possible. You should start taking folic acid as soon as you plan a pregnancy. In the ultrasonic inspection you will have this week, the gestational sac could be seen but you may not hear your baby's heart beats. Your baby will be visible as of the next week of your pregnancy and you will see that your baby is in C letter form.

In the 5th week of pregnancy your body:

You body shows all the signs of early pregnancy; late period, nausea, sensitive breasts and fatigue.  Now, your urine will do magic in the test stick and provide you the proof - yes, you are officially pregnant now!  Learning that you will be a mother will make you feel opposite feelings simultaneously. Very happy and very worried. Changes in the emotional status are very normal and as you will experience this in the coming nine months, it is better to get used to it.

Symptoms of Pregnancy:

Frequent urination: As the week of pregnancy increases, your uterus pressurizes your bladder and that may annoy you.

Changes in the breasts: With pregnancy, the nipples become sensitive, you can feel pain in your breasts.

Weakness and Fatigue: One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is weakness and getting tired easily. To overcome this problem, take the vitamins prescribed by your doctor regularlyand have a rest whenever you get a chance. Stay away from foods with sugar and caffeine.