What is Happening at 8 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 8th week of pregnancy? Your baby as big as a bean in the eight week of your pregnancy, now can move and change places in your belly even if you don't recognize.

As your baby starts to move in your womb, it may cause you to go to bathroom in the mornings.

You probably want to know your baby's sex but you need to be patient for a while. Because external genital organs of your baby haven't formed yet.

Your baby in the 8th week of your pregnancy:

Your baby continues to grow and develop fast in this week. Your baby's length is between 1,4 and 2 cm in the 8th week of pregnancy.

Eyelid holes are formed in this week and the nerve cells start to develop. Tip of the nose is also ready as of this month. Both interior and ears are formed.

Aorta and passageways  to lungs in the hearth are ready and noticeable. Bronchus, the passageways to lungs are separated into branches. The body continues to get longer and larger. Elbows and toes are formed by this week.

Your Body in 8th week:

Your baby is still as small as a blueberry and it is not recognizable, however your belly is a bit bigger now and your breasts may need bigger bras. 

Also, you may feel continuous nausea. Even if you go to bathroom with morning sickness, your baby feels well. Morning sickness is generally a sign that shows your pregnancy goes well.