Labor Positions: Side Lying Positions for Birth

When using a side lying position during labor or for the pushing stage, the mother will rest on one side, with her body slightly curled, or in the "fetal" position. Side lying positions are particularly effective for maintaining relaxation. The mother is able to reduce unnecessary muscular effort, which, in turn, lessens fatigue in a long labor and greatly increases her comfort level. 

These positions are very beneficial for the baby as well.  They remove pressure from the uterus, kidneys, or other internal organs that can compress the umbilical cord.  Side-lying, particularly on the left side, is often used in hospitals when the baby's heart rate decreases during contractions. 


- Can be used with an epidural.

- It can help you to rest and relax if labour is taking a long time, without the disadvantages of lying on your back.

- Side-lying helps to take pressure off the internal organs which means the umbilical cord is less likely to get squished and reduce baby’s oxygen supply.

- It helps to keep baby’s heart rate up if it decreasing during contractions.

- No energy wastage.

- Helps if mom has low blood pressure.