Prenatal Yoga for Sciatica Pain

Yoga can help women get through their pregnancy with minimal discomfort. It also helps the birth and post-delivery stages. And yoga helps to prepare for the birth - it encourages breath and body awareness, reduces worry and teaches women to adapt to new situations.

Sciatica is usually manifested as shooting pain or numbness through low back, buttocks or down the back of the legs.  Some form of this condition is common during pregnancy due to the increased mobility of the sacroiliac joints which may lead to nerve compression.

Yoga for sciatica can be very effective and helpful, but only if the poses are practiced correctly. Several yoga experts and gurus state that sciatica is one of the most common conditions that prompt people to learn yoga.

About video: Sasha created this short and easy to follow video in her 7 month of pregnancy to share with others the top postures used to alleviate and soothe sciatica pain in pregnancy. More info: