Water Exercises for Pregnant Women

Exercise goes a long way to promote to a healthy pregnancy.  Exercise has many benefits for mom and baby but in the summer months, it can be difficult to find an activity that doesn’t cause you to overheat. If you’re looking for a fitness regimen that will help you keep fit throughout your pregnancy, consider doing some water aerobics. Being in water will take the weight off your legs and back and you will feel more comfortable working out. 

Water exercise is easy and safe, as well as beneficial to all levels from beginner to advanced. You don’t need to be able to swim to participate in water workouts – many moves are performed in waist or chest-high water, and you don’t even need to join a special organized class; simply swimming laps, or walking, jogging, or running in water will strengthen your core, trunk muscles, legs and hips, and increase your cardio-respiratory fitness.