What is Happening at 19 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 19th week of pregnancy? Baby's movements are bound to occur more often during this and in coming weeks. Mothers may experience body changes which is normal and is caused due to expanding and growing uterus

Your baby in the 19th week of pregnancy:

- At 19th week the baby is about the size of a heritage tomato

- The most significant fetal development at 19th week of pregnancy is the formation of vernix caseosa

- Your baby gets a head-to-toe coating of vernix caseosa which is a white cheesy-looking substance made up of lanugo, oil from his glands, and dead skin cells

- This substance prevents the skin of your baby from chapping and wrinkling

- The baby is excreting urine and her/his hair begins sprouting on the scalp

- Your little ones 5 senses are also specializing that is the vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell

- The baby's legs are finally in proportion to his arms

- And these longer legs will make the baby's kicks more powerful

- Melanocytes are starting to work on the baby's skin

- Baby's movements are bound to occur more often during this and in coming weeks

- And that would be because the baby can now hear and might frighten whenever a loud noise is heard

Your body in the 19th week of pregnancy:

As you go through your nineteenth week of pregnancy, you may notice more changes on the exterior of your body. Dry, flaky skin may form as your metabolism and blood volume increase. Your tendency to dehydrate and your sensitivity to heat will increase, so it’s important that you continue to provide your body with plenty of fluids; water is best. 

Stay away from caffeine as much as possible. Caffeine raises blood pressure and increases your heart rate, and it may also affect the baby. Sodas, fruit juices, and sugary beverages may be dehydrating rather than hydrating. Avoid artificial sweeteners too. 

Try to keep your skin lubricated with lotion as much as possible. This can help to prevent skin problems. Cocoa butter is good for preventing stretch marks, and a good pregnancy diet can help to reduce problems with skin as well.