What is Happening at 22 Weeks Pregnant?

What happens in the 22th week of pregnancy? It's week 22 of your pregnancy and baby is the size of a papaya! Your baby's brain and nerve endings are fully formed and so he or she begin to discover sense of touch.

Your baby in the 22th week of pregnancy:

- Your babies can respond to sound and so, this is the best time talk and sing to them

- Height of your baby is 10.94 inches and weighs 15.17 ounces

- Your baby's brain and nerve endings are fully formed and so he or she begin to discover sense of touch

- And hence baby's somersaults maybe its way of registering different sensations

- The lips turned out to be more distinct

- External eyes are fully figured while irises still lack color

- Teeth are starting to show up below the gum line

- Your little ones developed cochlear membranes in the ears are tuned up to hear and process sounds from inside your body

- Your baby can hear you breathing, the blood flow and your heart beats

- If it's a baby girl her vagina is fully formed now

- And for baby boys his testes have begun their descent from the pelvis to the scrotum

- Your little ones pancreas continue to grow and get ready to produce final hormones

- The baby's skin may appear wrinkled at this point 

- As the baby grows, the womb becomes a lesser space, so baby's movements are restricted

- The most highlighted development in pregnant mothers during this week is the production of colostrum

Your body in the 22th week of pregnancy:

The most noticeable change in this twenty-second week is going to be your weight gain. As your baby grows and your waistline expands, you can expect to gain close to a pound per week. If you weighed fifteen pounds more than at the start of your pregnancy last week and you have stayed on a healthy, well-balanced diet, chances are you have gained about a pound.

Vaginal discharge is common for all women at this stage, and is due to the increase in blood flow. You are probably able to feel your baby’s movements more frequently at this point, so enjoy this twenty-second week.

At least half of pregnant women develop stretch marks by the time they give birth. These small streaks of differently textured skin can range from pink to dark brown (depending on your skin color). Although they most commonly appear on your tummy, stretch marks may also show up on your buttocks, thighs, hips, and breasts. There's no proof that lotion helps prevent stretch marks, but keeping your skin moisturized may help with any itching.